“Son, you sins are forgiven” (Mark 2:5)

“Son, you sins are forgiven” (Mark 2:5)

Mark 2:1-3:6 forms a unit showing the expanding opposition to Jesus from the religious leaders – and it all begins with the deepest human need: forgiveness.

In 2:2 we read that Jesus was preaching “the word” to a crowd gathered in a house – -that is the good news of the gospel (1:14-15), that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, for the forgiveness of sin.

No doubt he crowd gathered to receive or observe healings. But Jesus stuck to His focus on gospel preaching (1:38-39). While caring for all the details of our lives, Jesus is also aware of our deepest need and sees this as the underlying priority. And so should we.

Suddenly one came into the picture, literally into the house through the roof, who became an embodiment of the gospel priority and blessing, for Jesus declared to this man who was paralysed, “Son, your sins are forgiven”.

Was this man and his friends disappointed? Is this really what he expected to hear, or saw that he needed above all else, that this was more important for life than being able to move freely?

What about us – do we set a priority on forgiveness, do we cherish this even if the rest of our life is ‘crippled’ in some way? Is this what we look for through the Ministry of the Word today?

We know the religious leaders presented were shocked and alarmed, and deeply offended for they immediately whispered accusations of blasphemy to each other.

Is this what we believe about Jesus – that He was merely a man, who falsely takes God’s right to Himself? Or do we believe that He is God and has authority to forgive sin? Do we rejoice over His having forgiven us our sin?

Do we even know His forgiveness? If not, ask Him today. It is found in Him and only through Him. Be encouraged by His tenderness as heard in His declaration “Son…”

What difference will forgiveness make to your getting up and leaving church this morning? What impact will it have on your life?