How must our love to God be characterized?

How must our love to God be characterized?

(1) Love to God must be PURE and GENUINE. He must be loved chiefly for himself. We must love God, not only for his benefits — but for those intrinsic excellencies with which He is crowned. We must love God — not only for the good which flows from Him – but for the good which is in Him. True love is not mercenary, He who is deeply in love with God, needs not be hired with rewards, he cannot but love God for the beauty of His holiness; though it is not unlawful to look for benefits. Moses had an eye to the recompense of reward (Heb 11:26); but we must not love God for his benefits only, for then it is not love of God – but self-love.

(2) Love to God must be with ALL THE HEART. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart.” Mark 12:30. We must not love God a little, give Him a drop or two of our love; but the main stream must flow to Him. The mind must think of God, the will choose Him, the affections pant after him. The true mother would not have the child divided, nor will God have the heart divided. We must love Him with our whole heart. Though we may love the creature — yet it must be a subordinate love. Love to God must be highest, as oil swims above the water.

(3) Love to God must be FLAMING. To love coldly, is the same as not to love. The spouse is said to be, “love-sick.” Song of Songs 2:5. The seraphim are so called, because of their burning love. Love turns saints into seraphim; it makes them burn in holy love to God. Many waters cannot quench this love.

-Thomas Watson