Instructions concerning Providence

Instructions concerning Providence

“Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, and Your footsteps were not known. You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.” (Psalm 77:19–20))

  1. The design of Providence may sometimes lie very hid; and therefore it is good to wait, and not be rash (Ps 77.19).
  2. Sometimes Providence seems to forget the promise; it is not so, but only the time of the promise is not then come (Gen 15.4, with 16.2).
  3. Sometimes Providence seems to go quite cross to the promise, and God’s work to go contrary to his word. But wait ye, they will assuredly meet (Gen 22).
  4. Oftimes Providence favours a design, which yet will be blasted in the end, for that it was not the purpose of God (Jonah 1.3).
  5. Oftimes Providence will run counter in appearance to the real design, and, by a tract of dispensations, will seem to cross it more and more, till the grave-stone appear to be laid on it. And yet ‘at evening-time it shall be light’ (Zech 14.7).
  6. Providence many times lays aside the most likely means, and brings about his work by that which nothing is expected of (2 Kings 5.11-12).

Lastly, Sometimes Providence works by contraries, as the blind man was cured with laying clay on his eyes. Learn to live by faith, and be frequent in meditation and self-examination, and be much in prayer.