Our King

Our King

Q.26   How doth Christ execute the office of a king?

Ans.   Christ executeth the office of a king in subduing us to Himself, in ruling and defending us, and in restraining and conquering all His and our enemies.

Gabriel promised Mary that the Lord God would give unto her Child the Throne of His father David.  Christ accepted the title King when it was given Him by Nathaniel, by the people of Jerusalem, and by Pilate. But just as David was anointed years before he ascended his throne, so our Lord Jesus was anointed King at His Baptism, but only ascended His Throne at the right hand of the Father by His Resurrection and Ascension. At Pentecost He poured forth the Holy Spirit and ever since has been reigning and ruling over the hearts of His people and in His Church. The history of missions is the history of the spread of His reign.

Christ subdues us unto Himself.  By nature we are at enmity toward God (Rom 8:7).  By His Word and His Spirit He subdues our rebellious wills and brings us into the obedience of the Christian faith. He does this, not by external force, but by internal love.  Christ restores God’s reign over us by the way of His communion with us, by living for us, by dying in our stead, by loving us and opening our hearts to accept His love and to love Him in return.

He rules over us.  When we accept Christ as our Saviour, at the same time we begin to love the law which is His loving will for us.  For the Christian, the law is not a fearful burden from a hard taskmaster, but it is the loving will of his gracious heavenly Father. We want to do what our heavenly Father wants us to do, for we trust Him and realize that He knows what is best for us.  All obedience is the work of grace, and grace always works obedience.

He defends us.  The words that God spoke to Joshua when he was called to lead the host of the Lord came with special force to his mind: “He hath said, ‘I will never leave thee nor forsake thee!’  So that we may boldly say, ‘The Lord is my Helper, and I will not fear what man may do unto me.’ God defends us by restraining and conquering all His and our enemies, particularly the power of Satan.  The Son of God came that He might destroy the works of the devil. Go to Christ.  He has overcome the world and He can keep the love of the world from wrecking your life.  Finally Christ shall destroy the power of death itself.

Now He is governing all things in heaven and earth in the interest of His people, His Church.  He is guiding history to the end that God has in store for Him and for His people. Then He shall present His Church to Himself without spot or blemish.

– WC Robinson (adapted)