Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria

The Reformation makes us small and Christ big.

Why was the Reformation controversial in the sixteenth century? Why does it remain controversial today?

The answer, I believe, is that the Reformation (or rather the biblical gospel it rediscovered) makes us small and Christ big. At the heart of the Reformation was the realization that:

  • We are more helpless than we realize.
  • Christ is more sufficient than we realize.
  • God is more gracious than we realize.

This is what’s meant by soli Deo gloria, “to the glory of God alone.”

There’s no room in Reformation theology for human boasting. No one can claim their salvation or their knowledge of God is down to their intellect, morality, or religion. It’s all of God from start and finish. That’s our great hope and confidence.

Our salvation is founded on the certain promises of God and the finished work of Christ. And if it’s all of God from start to finish, then the glory goes to Him alone.

– Tim Chester