Posts by admin (Page 2)

Posts by admin (Page 2)

A Holy Calm

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. (Proverbs 16:33) If the decision about the lot is the Lord’s, whose is the arrangement of our whole life?..

God in a Manger

Many people gladly celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, only to ignore, shun, and reject Him the rest of the year. They don’t mind celebrating the birth of a baby, but they don’t want to hear about the Lord of lords. They sing of His nativity but brazenly reject His authority. They adore Him as an infant but will not pay homage to Him as the God-man. They can…

Faith in Times of Crisis

Habakkuk lived in a time of crisis. He was alert to the situation of his world and ready to give the message of God to his generation, but he did not receive straight and immediate answers from God.

Transformation in Christ

Everyone who has trusted Jesus Christ for salvation is called to transformation of life. The more clearly we understand this, the better we will be able to cooperate with God’s work in our lives. As C.S. Lewis illustrates: