Posts by John Stasse (Page 5)

Posts by John Stasse (Page 5)

Six Considerations of the Evil of Sin

Six Considerations of the Evil of Sin Matthew Henry’s A Way to Pray has a wonderful section instructing us how to pray biblically-informed prayers, specifically, how to plead with the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin’s cancerous nature, and the constant havoc it works in our lives. Consider the sinfulness of sin. Meditate on Romans 7:13; 1 John 3:4; Luke…

On Motherhood

“Let your father and your mother be glad, And let her who bore you rejoice.” (Proverbs 23:25) ON MOTHERHOOD Motherhood is evidence of God’s mercy. The Bible teaches that God made mankind to be his image bearers. He gave Adam and Eve the royal task of filling the earth with more image bearers of the one, true King. When our first parents disobeyed God in the garden of…

The Lord’s Prayer

John 17 records what perhaps should really be called The Lord’s Prayer. The prayer given in Matt 6:9-13 which is usually given that title by Christians over the centuries is really a prayer for Jesus’ disciples, while John 17 records Jesus’ own prayer.

Seeing life God’s way…

I found this observation by Ravi Zacharias on the nature of worship and its connection to the whole of life, a life lived consciously as it should be before God, very helpful. May the Lord bless it to you individually as us as the church collectively as we approach 2016: