Sermon Notes (Page 4)

Sermon Notes (Page 4)

James (10) The Church Mixing Bowl (James 2:1-7)

Evening Service 9 August 2009 What upsets sports fans more than anything else –a part form their team loosing I mean? Is it not inconsistent calls by the Umpire or Ref, decisions that always seem to favour the other side? We don’t like it in the classroom either do we, seeing someone who seems to…

Elijah (13) Reality Revealed (1 Kings 18:20-40)

Morning Service 9 August 2009 Ezekiel had confronted the people of Israel with the two basic alternatives that shape life, calling them to decision: God or Baal. Today it may not be Baal, it may be another out of the smorgasbord of deities promoted in the modern world, it may be something you have…

Elijah (12) Wholly the Lord’s! (1 Kings 18:20-21)

Morning Service 2nd August 2009 Elijah calls Ahab to organise not a religious convention but a religious confrontation – ‘the Battle of the Gods’, one writer calls it. It was a Promoter’s Dream: ‘The ultimate power struggle between Yahweh and Baal!’ But it would prove Ahab’s nightmare, and that of…

James (07) Unleashing Our Resource (James 1:19-25)

What is the secret of the good life? Is it having ‘x’ amount of dollars in the bank so you can do what you like whenever you like? Is it having not merely job security but a realisation that your work matters, or perhaps better still that it not only brings satisfaction to you as well as benefit…

Elijah (09) A Godly Man (1 Kings 18:1-16)

Have you noticed, even within this congregation, that God does not deal with us all in exactly the same way? One He matures through this trial, another through that trial, and yet another through no apparent trial. One He calls to serve in this way, another in that way; and of course connected to that is the distribution of gifts. It is important that we bear this in…

James (6) – The Life Cycle of Sin James 1:14-15

Last week we noted that every circumstance in our lives can be the means of a test or a temptation. That God in His sovereign providence orchestrates things, including those that challenge us and our faith at its very core, to make us more like Jesus. Just like fire purifies when appropriately…