I will behave wisely in a perfect way — Psalm 101:2

I will behave wisely in a perfect way — Psalm 101:2

Some believe that David wrote this psalm at the beginning of his reign over Israel, but we cannot be certain. He made a number of resolutions (there are nine ‘wills’ and five ‘shalls’) which, if he had kept later in his life, would have spared him much grief. David vowed, ‘I will behave wisely in a perfect (or ‘blameless’) way’ (2). Earlier in his life, such behaviour was attended by the blessing of God upon him (1 Samuel 18:5,14 – ­15). Let us now meditate on how we can behave wisely:

· By blameless (perfect) behaviour at home (2). One commentator (Adam Clarke) writes, ‘It is easier for most men to walk with a perfect heart in the church, or even in the world, than in their own families. How many are as meek as lambs among others, when at home they are wasps or tigers.’

· By controlling our eyes. I will set nothing wicked (‘worthless’) before my eyes (3). If we behave wisely, we will be very careful in our choice of television viewing and in the magazines and books that we read. Do you waste hours watching unedifying television programmes? Oh, be determined to redeem the time in these evil days (Ephesians 5:16)!

· In the choice of company that we keep. David was determined to have a royal court free from corruption. Oh, that governments today had such a holy resolve. The perverse (crooked), the slanderer, the proud, the deceitful, the liar and the wicked had no place among David’s close friends (4­5, 7­8). If we love the Lord, we will choose those who are faithful as our closest friends (6).

Christian, be determined to behave yourself wisely at home, at your place of work and in the church throughout your days. Be determined always to lead a godly life! 

— Pilgrim Bible Notes