If a Christian Were a Flower, What Would They Be?

If a Christian Were a Flower, What Would They Be?

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….” (Matthew 28:19)

If a Christian Were a Flower, What Would They Be?

Some would say a rose, some might say a tulip, and yet others would say a daffodil. I on the other hand, say that a Christian is called to be a dandelion, because a dandelion has all the attributes of a Christian witness.

  • A dandelion is the first sign of hope in the spring.
  • A dandelion is the first expression of love, for it is the first “flower” usually given to a mother by a small child.
  • A dandelion makes itself known in the neighbourhood quickly
  • A dandelion is not conscious of class and equally casts itself on the rich and the poor.
  • A dandelion provides beauty and color where nothing else will grow.
  • A dandelion can be cut, trampled, dug up, or pulled up and still bounces back with its witness as though nothing happened.
  • A dandelion is a victim of slander, for some people call it a weed, but it pushes on undaunted to conquer the world.
  • A dandelion is very neighbourly.

Wouldn’t it be great if we would all act and witness like dandelions?

– from a  poem quoted by Alistair Begg (Author Unknown)