Suffering for Righteousness’ Sake

Suffering for Righteousness’ Sake

suffering for righteousness' sakeSuffering for Righteousness’ Sake 

by John Calvin (Institutes, 3.8.7)

Suffering Brings Patience and Obedience

Now, to suffer persecution for righteousness’ sake is a singular comfort. For it ought to occur to us how much honour God bestows upon us in thus furnishing us with the special badge of his soldiery. I say that not only they who labour for the defence of the gospel but they who in any way maintain the cause of righteousness suffer persecution for righteousness. Therefore, whether in declaring God’s truth against Satan’s falsehoods or in taking up the protection of the good and the innocent against the wrongs of the wicked, we must undergo the offenses and hatred of the world, which may imperil either our life, our fortunes, or our honour. Let us not grieve or be troubled in thus far devoting our efforts to God, or count ourselves miserable in those matters in which he has with his own lips declared us blessed [Matthew 5:10]. Even poverty, if it be judged in itself, is misery; likewise exile, contempt, prison, disgrace; finally, death itself is the ultimate of all calamities. But when the favour of our God breathes upon us, every one of these things turns into happiness for us.

We ought accordingly to be content with the testimony of Christ rather than with the false estimation of the flesh. So it will come about that we shall rejoice after the apostle’s example, “whenever he will count us worthy to suffer dishonour for his name” [Acts 5:41]. What then? If, being innocent and of good conscience, we are stripped of our possessions by the wickedness of impious folk, we are indeed reduced to penury among men. But in God’s presence in heaven our true riches are thus increased. If we are cast out of our own house, then we will be the more intimately received into God’s family. If we are vexed and despised, we but take all the firmer root in Christ. If we are branded with disgrace and ignominy, we but have a fuller place in the Kingdom of God. If we are slain, entrance into the blessed life will thus be open to us. Let us be ashamed to esteem less than the shadowy and fleeting allurements of the present life, those things on which the Lord has set so great a value.