Dear Congregation,

Earlier this week I was reminded of the hymn “Count your blessing, name them one by one…”

It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the restrictions on movement and its impact on life… but are their blessings? Surely. I decided to keep an eye on at least one each day this week. Day by day I have noted the blessing discovered and enjoyed that day.

Monday: A smile was brought to my face when as I asked over the phone how Rob and June were, and the immediate and joyful reply was “We are sitting together enjoying the sunshine.” Yes a wonderful blessing – and a wonderful image of these two senior saints of the congregation – let us not take for granted the ‘regular’ blessings God gives. They are not small things.

Tuesday: Walking and noting fresh notes of the cool late afternoon breeze, with a hint of possible rain. Normally at that time there is a very different note in the air to the nose, that of peak traffic loaded with fumes of passing cars, buses and trucks passing by. The blessing of the vastly improved air quality in the inner-City.

Wednesday: The blessing of family – the weird celebration caused by an accidentally made phone call over WhatsApp. It resulted in all in the family answering and hearing one another saying “Hello” “Hello” – and no one knowing who made the call. Chaos and curiosity, lots for giggles and a spontaneous rejoicing in being family. Family even scattered and isolated, families of different shapes and sizes as well as in different locations are a precious blessing from God.

Thursday: for the gracious patience of a fellow believer with my imperfections. I had unwittingly made a small but important mistake, yet it was brought to my attention not in an accusatory and annoyed tone of ‘What have you done!’ but a gentle question of explanation, and when I realised the mistake I had made he graciously made no more of it but assisted in its correction. Not a matter of great moment in the scheme of things, but of incredibly great moment in the vitality of Christian fellowship – a rich blessing indeed, and one received by me with thanks to God for such caring fellowship in His Son. 

Friday: rain – the sun has been wonderful these past few days, but there is blessing in rain, a reminder of God’s faithfulness  to His Word of promise to Noah about the general conditions for life in this world (Gen 9) – and if there how much more so for spiritual life in Christ for now and eternity. The blessing of knowing God is faithful to His Word, to all His Word, that it will not return to Him void (Isa 55:11).

So here I am about to send this to you – and what has come from the hand of God today that fills my soul with joy in my God? I was thinking maybe just leave that blank for you to fill in your own appreciated blessing received from the Lord – but then…

Saturday: the morning song of blackbird who lives in our building’s garden. A sweet blessing of waking up to the sound of its beautiful song near our bedroom window. We have rarely heard it since mid-autumn. ‘Joy to the world… heaven and nature sing…’ filled my mind in praise to the Lord, all the more striking following an uncomfortable night.  Then later in the morning a request for help in understanding a passage from Luke posed by one of the men in the congregation, thankful for his consideration that this might adding to my work load – rather what a rich blessing, bringing me with him into the Word as we read in Psalm 1 “Blessed is the man… in His law he meditates day and night….” Double blessings!

Each day I’ve wondered what particular blessing will lift my heart in praise to God. I am finding that I don’t need to force it, that even as I consciously look for it knowing that God gives many, many  blessings day after day, I find a blessing surprises me in a moment of unexpected spontaneity. Surely a lesson there too.

Now I am looking forward to see what blessings God will anoint Sunday with to His praise.

And now Also the challenge is over to you – discover and share with those closest to you a daily blessing…  one that causes you to smile in faith and above all to give thanks to God for His love and mercy.

Together in Christ’s love and service,


Your Pastor