Posts (Page 51)

Posts (Page 51)

Checking the Connection (1 John 4)

Morning Service – 01 Mar 2009 How do you describe a pecan nut to someone who has never seen one? You can talk about it in terms of its casing’s texture and colour, or of the skin layer, or you talk about the kernel. There are different layers you can peel back, each is part of the nut and can be used to describe the nut and to enable us to distinguish them. What…


Church Working Bee – 8 Sep, Sat Inside and outside the church (9.00am -12.30pm) Morning Tea from 10.30-10.50am BBQ lunch at 12.30pm Community Fellowship Groups Central  –  Tuesday @ 7.30 pm   John Stasse Western  –  Tuesday @ 7.30 pm   Ben Nelson Eastern  –  Thursday @ 7.30 pm…

Afflictions in Christ

As afflictions in Christ abound and are prolonged, consolations abound and perseverance is given by Jesus as long as christians go to him as teacher for He invites them to be His Students. Matthew Henry, Commentary

From Mourning to Morning (Habakkuk 3)

Morning Service – 22 Feb 2009 We Aussies love the weekend, and are constantly trying to find ways to make it longer. Two weekends ago began as many usually do apart from the heat, though perhaps with a greater sense of watchfulness. Real people were living real lives doing everyday events we take for granted. Then suddenly this typical weekend was anything but typical.…

Who is Jesus?

“He was the God-man. Not God indwelling a man. Of such there have been many. Not a man deified. Of such there have been non save in the myths of pagan systems of thought; but God and man, combining in one personality the two natures, a perpetual enigma and mystery, baffling the possibility of explanation.” G. Campbell Morgan

To Be Clear (evening service 15 Feb 09)

At the start we said that we don’t really know who wrote this letter (some think Paul, some Barnabas, etc… but only God really knows). But one thing we know from the end of the letter is that the first readers knew him. Here as he finishes he gets personal, he speaks of mutual friends of whom he has information (Timothy – the details of who’s imprisonment are unknown (cf.…

Why God Doesn’t Fully Explain Pain

One of the reasons God rarely gives micro reasons for his painful providences, but regularly gives magnificent macro reasons, is that there are too many micro reaons for us to manage,namely, millions and millions and millions and millions and millions. God says things like: The bad things happened to you because I intend to work it together for your good ( Romans 8 )…

Evangelism Committee

The SYPC Evangelism Committee formed in 2009 is aiming to focus on outreach to the local community surrounding the South Yarra Presbyterian Church. Activities planned by the committee will be posted on the website. This will include quarterly lecture/get together evenings at the church for the local community.

A Watchful Faith (Judges 16:4-5, 15-21)

What is a ‘sundew’? How do Eskimos kill a wolf? And what do they have to do with Samson let alone with how I live out my faith as a Christian  today? In our Australian bush grows a little plant called the “sundew.” (Diasora ). It has a slender stem and tiny round leaves fringed with hairs that glisten with bright drops of liquid as delicate as fine dew.  Woe…